We aim to be as transparent as possible in regard to the personal data we store about our users, and our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy explain how we handle your data in full detail.
This page aims to provide a simple guide surrounding your personal data, but if you want more information please read the policies linked above, or contact us if you still have questions.
We give all of our users the ability to request a copy of all the data which we hold on them. Currently, this process requires emailing us at [email protected], making it clear in the subject or body of your email that you would like to request a copy of your data.
To process your request, we will get back to you requesting some information to confirm that you actually own the account that you are making a data request for. Once this has been established, we will let you know, and begin collecting your data. Once we have your package ready, we'll reach out to you again via email with your data package.
Similarly to above, all users have the right to request that the personal data we store on them be deleted. We may do this in a number of ways, such as anonymising or deleting the data. In all possible cases we will aim to delete all the data you have provided, however if for example you have donated domains which display on the site, this can only be anonymised in order to ensure the service continues working as expected.
The process is the same as requesting a copy of your data - you'll need to reach out to us via email, and once we have established you own the account the request is being made for we will begin the process of deleting your data. We will email you once the process is complete. Please note this process is irreversible.
As we keep up regular development on the Service, we intend to make it easier for you to exercise your rights surrounding your data. This will likely consist of allowing you to make the requests mentioned above directly on the website. Please check back to this page periodically - we'll update it with the latest information.