
There are a number of different uploaders for Linux, which vary in terms of the complexity and features available. Each of the uploaders we directly support is listed below, with setup instructions.


This is a relatively bare-bones uploader, with core uploading functionality. Head to the GitHub page to see how to install it - there are a number of different options listed, as well as instructions for how to take screenshots.

To add an uploader to ShareNix, it needs to be added to a config file. There are a number of different versions of this file which take priority over one another, but we recommend editing either the ~/.sharenix.json or /etc/sharenix.json versions.

To make the process of adding your config easier, we offer two different config options on the site. The first of these is the raw config - you'll have to manually add this into the ShareNix config file to be able to use the service. The second option is far easier, the auto-injector script. This is a simple python program which will read your ShareNix config file, add as an available uploader, and then ask you if you want to set as the default.

Once you have your config added to ShareNix, you can simply call sharenix-section or sharenix-window in a terminal to start the uploader, or you can create hotkeys to automatically execute these commands for you. This will vary greatly depending on your Linux setup, and we recommending searching for instructions on how to do this for your distro.


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