Upload Preferences

The upload preferences page allows you to fully customise how the content you share will appear on various platforms. This page on the site is split into three different sections, and this guide is split into those same sections for clarity.

Basic Settings


You can find your uploading configs within the basic settings tab. These files can be downloaded for use on different platforms to upload content. Depending on the type of content you would like to upload, you'll need to select a different config. For uploading images and other files, download the "Image Config" for your respective platform, for uploading text, download the "Pastes Config", and for shortening URLs, download the "URL Shortener Config".

Upload Preference Presets

This allows you to save your upload preferences under a certain name, and load these settings it at any time. This is particularly useful if you're going to be changing your settings often.

Upload Key

This is a unique string which allows you to upload to the service. It should be kept safe, like a password, and if you think it has been leaked then you should regenerate it here. If you regenerate your upload key, you must re-download your configs before they will work again.

Basic Settings

Here are a few of the core settings which relate to how content URLs look when you share them. They are explained below:

  • Raw URL
    • The direct link to the image on our CDN (Content Delivery Network). Using this will cause any other upload preferences to be overridden
  • Invisible URL
    • This will replace the ID of the image (such as abcdEFGH) with a set of invisible characters, so it will appear as if you have only posted the domain
  • Emoji IDs
    • This feature replaces the typical ID of the image (such as abcdEFGH) with a set of 4 random emojis (such as 🎨🥗🥞👓). This feature may not work on some platforms, as not everywhere allows for emojis in URLs.
  • Exploding Images
    • This feature will cause an image to "explode" after it is viewed once. Anyone who tries to access the image in the next hour after that will see a screen telling them that the image has already been viewed, and once an hour has elapsed it will be as if the image was never there.

Embed Settings

These settings allow for rich embed content to be displayed alongside your upload. This works best on Discord, however a number of other platforms support a subset of the features provided here. A preview is included on this tab which will update live as you change your settings.

  • Enable Embeds
    • This allows you to turn the feature on or off. If off, then only the image will be embedded when you send a link, and if turned on, then the other content you provide will also be included.
  • Random Embed Colour
    • This will randomly pick a different embed colour each time you upload an image. Currently, embed colour is only known to work on Discord.
  • Embed Colour
    • This allows you to set a specific colour for the embed. This cannot be used whilst random embed colour is enabled.
  • Embed Fields
    • There are 4 different embed fields available, listed here from smallest to largest within an embed. Please note, the embed description will never display if you upload a video - this is a limitation of Discord.
    • Site Name
    • Optionally supports providing a URL for this field. This will open when clicked*.
    • Author
    • Optionally supports providing a URL for this field. This will open when clicked*.
    • Title
    • Description

*Only known to work on Discord currently.

Embed Placeholders

When configuring the content of your embeds, there are a number of placeholders you can use to add dynamic data to your embeds. These placeholders can be used in the site name, author, title and description fields of an embed.

To start, type a [ character within a supported field, which will open a list of available placeholders. You can continue typing to filter this list, then either click on an option or press the tab key to complete the placeholder for you.

Below is a table of the supported placeholders including a description of what it does, and an example.

Placeholder Name Description Example
[username] Your upload.systems account username. dan
[uid] Your upload.systems account UID. 2
[uuid] Your upload.systems account UUID. 332c69e4-f9b2-4d59-a1ea-acaaf35226f5
[uploaddate] The date that the file was uploaded on. 01/01/1970
[uploadtime] The time that the file was uploaded at. 3:00 PM or 15:00
[uploaddatetime] The date and time that the file was uploaded at. 01/01/1970 at 3:00 PM
[filename] The assigned filename of the upload. abcdEFGH.png
[filesize] The size of the upload. 12.34 KB
[totalstorageused] The storage used by all uploads on your upload.systems account. 56.78 GB
[totalimages] The total number of uploads stored on your upload.systems account. 4328
[discordusername] The username of the Discord account linked to your upload.systems account. dAn
[discorddiscriminator] The discriminator of the Discord account linked to your upload.systems account. 0001
[discordtag] The full tag of the Discord account linked to your upload.systems account. dAn#0001
[displayname] The display name of the upload. My cat picture
[fileextension] The file extension of the upload. png
[collection] The title of the collection this upload is within. Will be empty if the upload is not in a collection. Cat Pictures
[filetype] The file type of the upload. One of "image", "video", "audio" or "file". image

Domain Settings

Each time you upload, a link is returned for you to share the image. You can choose between selecting a specific domain to be returned, or select a list of domains you would like to be randomly picked from. If you choose to use a single domain, simply select a domain you'd like to use from the list, then, if subdomains are supported, you can enter an optional subdomain as well. If you choose to use random domains, you can pick multiple of these, and select the chance of each one appearing. If you'd like the chance to be automatically split, you can leave the chance on "Auto".

Fake URL

This feature only works on Discord, in particular the PC and iOS versions, and allows you to spoof the URL that your content is coming from. You can put any content in here, such as emojis, other URLs, and text, and your image will still embed.

Custom Path

This allows you to have any number of different parts to your URL path before the actual ID. For example, if my domain was upload.systems, and the ID of a particular image was abcdEFGH, I could set my custom path to /hello/everyone resulting in a final url of https://upload.systems/hello/everyone/abcdEFGH. This works in combination with Invisible URL and Emoji IDs.

Discord Emojis

It is also possible to use Discord emojis within the custom path field. For obvious reasons, this will only work on Discord, and it may appear differently based on the platform it is viewed from (PC, iOS, Android, etc).

To utilise this feature, the full ID for an emoji is required. To get this, enter an emoji into the chat bar, and place a backslash (\) before it. When you send the message it will be replaced with the full emoji ID. An example emoji ID will look like this: <:yaycat:801059559573553162>.